So it's been about 8 months since my last entry on this thing...what the hell have I been doing? Well, to be honest, I've had a few instances where I had something to write, but it's too damn complicated to log into this blogger thing. So I sleep instead. But now I noticed I can log into this through my gmail, so maybe I'll get on here more.
At the moment, I'm in the midst of another mini-whirlwind of traveling for work--Boston, NYC and Houston in the past two weeks and Doha, Qatar next week. I had to go to Boston for a trade show called NBTA, where a lot of airlines, hotels and other related businesses had booths. This was our booth for Qatar Airways, which was pretty tight:

Some other pics of the convention, including Colin Powell (I'll reserve my judgment of him here) speaking:

This was basically a 4-day networking event/party. Some of the airlines and hotels were giving away drinks at their booths (i.e. Japan Airlines giving away sake, Virgin Atlantic giving away champagne, and some of the hotel properties giving away drinks unique to their regions). And then after business hours, there'd be invites to parties hosted by airlines at clubs and lounges...all open bars, etc. It was nuts. Being one of the youngest folks there, I kind of felt like it was a convention designed to give a bunch of old industry buddies the chance to re-live their youth for a few days...but that's cool. There was still business getting done, and everybody seemed to have a good time (except the people from my company who came over from overseas, but that's another story for another day). There was even a golf tournament, which marked my first time ever playing 18 holes on a regulation course, as well as the debut of my new straw hat:

Coordinating the marketing stuff for Qatar, I had a lot to do, but since I got there a few days early to oversee the construction of our booth, I still was able to find time to explore Boston...which is a GREAT place in the summer. Whether doing some sightseeing, shopping, just chillin' at the river looking at the clouds or clowning around with my friend who came up from NY one afternoon because she had never been to Boston, I had a good time. Here's some pics:

Do you see the bird and the plane in this one?
There was also some good food involved (stuffed lobster)...

...and some good friends...

Oh, and someone told me during the week that I had bags under my eyes. That kind of caught me off guard...I'm not tryna look like Jeff Van Gundy in two years. So I made a vow, to ATTEMPT to get a full 7 hours of sleep every night. Eight just wouldn't happen. But considering I'm about about 5 now, I think I could get close to 7 if I put my mind to it...
On that note, it's nap time...but let me leave you with by FAR the coolest thing I saw in Boston all week:

(Sorry...I had a video to upload but it's too big for YouTube...)
Yours truly.
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